College Visit FAQ

College visits are an important part of the college admissions process. It’s your chance to see what the university is really like, apart from the pretty pictures you’ve seen on the website. This visit can also be intimidating though… I vividly remember wandering around the campus anxious, wide-eyed, and feeling like a very small fish […]

The Importance of Learning Professional Development EARLY

The Importance of Learning Professional Development EARLY There’s no question that professional development is crucial – and if you aren’t convinced yet, we’ll direct you to this blog post. We all know that certain skills, like nailing an interview and crafting the perfect resume, are invaluable once you begin the professional chapter of your life. […]

10 Habits of STRAIGHT-A Students

10 Habits of STRAIGHT-A Students   Some students seem like they always have it together. They’re always prepared, perfectly organized, the teachers love them, and they’ve probably never gotten a B in their life. If this doesn’t describe you… don’t worry. Have you ever heard the saying, “Fake it ‘til you make it”? Today, we’re […]

New Year's Resolutions That Are Perfect for High School Students

New Year’s Resolutions That Are Perfect for High School Students     2018 is here, which means it’s the perfect time to set some brand new goals. You’ve probably heard that saying, “New year, new me!” but that’s not our style. Instead of trying to revamp your entire life, we’re here to help you set […]

The (Crucially Important) Art of Self-Advocating in High School

The (Crucially Important) Art of Self-Advocating in High School Teachers are smart. They’re experts in the subject matter they teach, and they’ve (likely) been teaching it for a really long time. Because of their knowledge on the subject at hand, it’s often intimidating to question a grade or assignment they’ve given you… even if you’re […]