Being Perfect Is Great, But Being Interesting Is Better

Getting into college is hard right now. We all know this. It’s hard enough to maintain a high GPA and dominate your SAT and ACT, and it’s even harder to do these things while staying involved and philanthropic – you know, the things that make a perfect student. Not only do you need to do […]

Realistic Ways To Talk To Your Teen About Drinking

Ask a group of parents what they worry about most when it comes to raising teenagers, and many of them will rank drinking and drug use near the top of their list. Most of us have heard (or even witnessed) horror stories about underage drinking, and naturally want to protect teenagers from making potentially life-altering […]

How To Learn In Big College Classes

Adjusting to big class sizes in college can be a huge learning curve for college freshmen. Going from 20 to 30 students per class in high school to suddenly being one of 200 in a massive lecture hall can trip up even the most focused students. After all… does the teacher even care that you’re […]

What Parents Can Take Away From The College Application Process

Teens can (obviously) learn a lot about themselves through the college application and admissions process. They have to really start envisioning their future, from what they want to learn to where they want to learn it. They start considering potential careers and even dreaming of things like marriage and family. But guess what? As their […]

Help! I’ve Been Accepted Early Decision… But Now I Want To Get Out Of It

Applying to a school early decision can be an awesome decision. If accepted, your college plans will be set in stone before many of your peers have a clue what their futures hold. You’ll get to start thinking about class schedules, roommates, and dorm decor, and you’ll finally have a solid answer to the perpetual […]

How Comparison Is Stealing Our Joy (And Five Ways To Stop Doing It)

comparing yourself

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” You’ve probably heard that quote before, and that’s because it’s an incredibly relatable one. It’s also never been truer for teens than it is today, who see every party, vacation, outfit, and achievement of their peers on social media. Everywhere you look, there’s another photo from someone’s highlight reel, […]

You Can Do Hard Things In 2019

you can do hard things

It seems like there are two kinds of people in January: those who passionately believe in setting New Year’s Resolutions, and those who find them completely and utterly pointless. I interact with both types, and I get both of their views. On one hand, resolutions are an amazing way to set new goals and aim […]

Vaping: Fact vs. Fiction

educate teens

Vaping: FACT vs. FICTION Vape use has exploded among high school and college students. According to a survey by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), nearly 1 in 3 students in 12th grade report using a vaping device within the past year. Because vapes are small, easy to conceal, and don’t reek like typical […]

5 Simple Tips For Managing Your Time During the ACT

5 Simple Tips For Managing Your Time During the ACT . When you look at a breakdown of the ACT, it can feel a bit overwhelming. It seems like there are so many questions, yet so little time. One of the best ways you can do your best on this test (aside from preparing thoroughly) […]