When you get to college, you’re inevitably going to have a few sleepless nights. Often times you’ll be in the library, finishing a paper, studying for an exam, and drinking a coffee with an extra shot of espresso at 3 a.m. Other nights, however, you’ll get to spend your nights having fun, losing sleep to have an exciting night out with friends. Here’s a plot twist… what if you could party all night while getting involved, raising money, and changing the lives of local children?
If that sounds like something you’d enjoy, check out Miracle Network Dance Marathon. You may have already heard of Dance Marathon, because it’s a huge movement that’s already raised more than $135 million for kids struggling with pediatric illness or injury. Students spend the year raising funds, working with local hospitals, and planning the amazing grand finale: a 12-40 hour dance marathon. Every single penny that’s raised from the event goes directly to the school’s local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital, meaning the event is wholly #FTK (For The Kids). So how can you get involved?
See if your school has Dance Marathon, and get involved!
There are currently 350 Dance Marathon programs, and that number grows every year. Use the handy search on their website to see if your university has one, and then get involved! Look up information for call-out meetings or stop by the organization fair, if your school has one. There is always room for more volunteers with Dance Marathon, so don’t be afraid to reach out to the student director, officers, or other volunteers to get started. If you end up loving Dance Marathon (and most people do!) you can apply for different positions in the organization, expanding your role throughout your time in school!
And if your school doesn’t yet have Dance Marathon… be the hero who starts one!
If your school doesn’t already have Dance Marathon, don’t be afraid to be an ambitious founder. The Children’s Miracle Network is constantly looking to expand this movement, and they’re recruiting people to become student leaders at their universities. All you have to do is take the first step by calling them at (801) 214-7400. Not only would this opportunity change your life, but it would change the lives of countless local children affected by childhood illness.