High School Seniors Are Freaking Out About College Apps (But They Shouldn’t Be)

High School Seniors Are Freaking Out About College Apps (But They Shouldn’t Be)


Okay, maybe not all of them, but a whopping 70 percent of high schoolers who graduated in 2018 said they were completely stressed during the application process. Even more alarmingly, only 14 percent said they felt confident during the process. The college admissions process is an intimidating one, but there is no reason to feel completely overwhelmed or, even worse, slightly terrified. After all… 68 percent of the class of 2018 said they really wish they’d worried less.




So, how can you take some of the stress off?

A wise, wise woman once said, “A lack of knowledge creates fear. Seeking knowledge creates courage.” That woman was Candice Swanepoel, successful Victoria’s Secret model. She may not have gone through the college application process, but it takes a lot of courage to walk down a runway in underwear, so we trust her advice.

It is easy to get stressed and discouraged by the college application process when you’re not sure what you’re doing. If you’re flying through the process blind without guidance, of course it’s going to be scary! The more you know and understand the process, front to back, the less sleep you’re going to lose.


Knowledge is power. Knowledge is comfort!

Before you’re swamped with homework, exams, sports practices, and all of the other things that gear up in the fall, take your time discovering more about this process and accumulating the tools that will eventually make this process easier for you. Find your question on the list, and get started!


What are the general DOs and DON’Ts of colleges admissions? Click here.

Every school wants something different. How do I know what specific colleges are looking for? Click here.

How do I impress college admissions counselors with my essay? Click here and click here.

What admissions tests do schools require? Click here.

How do I SHOW a school I’m interested? Click here.

What does a “college visit” entail? Click here.

What are the different admissions “decisions” I might receive? Click here.

How do I land a scholarship? Click here.