I Got My PSAT Score… Now What Do I Do?

PSAT Score

You’ve taken the PSAT, you’ve received your score, and now… well, you’re not quite sure what to do with that information. PSAT scores are not part of a college’s admission decision, so what are they used for? These are four ways your PSAT score can be useful (and where the Enrichery comes in).

It’s a good predictor of how you’ll do on the SAT (and it can help you set a realistic goal score).

While your PSAT score doesn’t get submitted as part of your college application, it can predict your SAT score which most certainly does. Once you have an official PSAT score, you can use a PSAT to SAT score conversion chart to get an idea of what sort of score you may be on track for. It’s not a precise science, but it can be helpful in determining just how much test prep you may want to do.

Figure out how you’re measuring up with your peers.

A wise man once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Valid, but comparison on the PSAT can also give you a realistic idea of how you’re measuring up against the high schoolers that you’ll ultimately be competing with in the college admissions process. The percentile rankings on the PSAT can give you this information (and motivation).

You can target specific areas for improvement.

One of the most valuable pieces of information that your PSAT score breakdown offers is an idea of where you need to dedicate your test prep efforts. If you blew the Math section out of the water, maybe you should spend most of your time working on Writing & Language. If you struggled your way through the Math section, maybe you already know that is a personal weakness. Use your PSAT score as a roadmap for your SAT preparation.

They can make you eligible for scholarships.

Your PSAT score can be your ticket into the National Merit Scholarship Program. An excellent score on the PSAT (top-99th-percentile-level excellent) can result in a National Merit Scholarship, which can ease the financial burden of college tuition.

Your PSAT score might not specifically factor into an admissions decision, but that certainly doesn’t mean it’s unimportant. It can offer fantastic insight into the SAT score you might be on track to get, and it can highlight areas that you may need to work on. In short, the PSAT score can help you set a goal score and Enrichery Test Prep can help you reach it. Our expert coaches will help you create a four-month plan with tailored one-on-one coaching based on your PSAT results. Plus, you’ll have access to unlimited mock tests so you can track your progress every step of the way.