Test Prep Apps That Will Take Your
SAT & ACT Prep to the Next Level
Nowadays, you can do virtually everything via your smartphone. You can order dinner, read a book, track your spending, find new friends, edit videos, watch a movie, and sell your old bike with the mini-computer in your hand. It’s probably not a surprise that you can also prepare for your upcoming SAT and ACT on your phone – and considering you have your phone everywhere you go, why not cram in a little test prep during your downtime? Download one, two, or all of these test prep apps, and start sneaking in a few practice questions daily.
This is College Board’s official SAT prep app. There is a new “SAT question of the day” (make a habit of answering it everyday!), but you also have access to questions from every day in the past. The coolest feature? “For the first time ever, instantly score a practice SAT by taking a picture of the grid through this app to receive scores, feedback, and personalized instruction.”
The Khan Academy is a partner of the College Board, and their app provides some of the content found on their website. Through the app you can watch videos that walk you through different SAT practice questions, so you can see not only the right answer, but the method of getting there. If you want to sit back and watch SAT prep videos this app is great, but you’ll need to go to Khan Academy’s full website to find practice problems.
This app by ScoreBeyond, Inc. is the world’s most widely-used SAT prep app. It offers “personalized daily workouts, midterm and full length practice tests, vocabulary games, on-demand tutoring and continuous coach support.”
This app by Ready4, Inc. gives you access to “1,000 questions with detailed answer explanations, hundreds of flashcards, and in-depth score analysis.” Best of all, the flashcards have detailed explanations so you can know why the correct answer is what it is. As you use the app, it tracks your performance and highlights your strengths and weaknesses, so you know exactly what you need to improve going forward. You can even bookmark certain flashcards so that you can review them later.
This is the ACT version of the previously mentioned SAT Up. This app provides practice questions in all four sections of the ACT, with detailed solutions and explanations for each answer. The beautiful thing about this app is that the more you use it, the more it knows your strengths and weaknesses. Per the app store description, “No more deciding what exercises to do when; ACT Up will do that for you. Daily ‘workouts’ will be sent directly to you, ensuring that sufficient practice is built into a daily habit.”
Just like the SAT prep app by Ready4, their ACT app tracks your performance and helps you focus on the areas that need more work. It offers over 1,500 question and hundreds of flashcards, plus detailed explanations behind correct answers for better comprehension.
With 927 reviews and an average rating of 4.9 stars, this app from Varsity Tutors is one of the highest ranked of all test prep apps. This app includes over 1,200 full-length practice exams, customizable flashcards, and a Learn By Concept feature that will help you target specific areas of the ACT that need improvement.
If you’re committed to rocking your SAT and ACT, it’s important to use these apps as simply one tool in your arsenal. In other words, they’re great… but you should be studying in other ways, too. While most of the apps have great practice questions, they probably won’t teach you any overall strategies for taking these tests or managing your time on test day. Invest in a great prep book – or if you’re lucky, a coach! – and use these apps to prep on the go. Trust me, these apps can help you much more than checking Facebook or scrolling through Instagram ever will.