The Real, No B.S. Reasons Why You NEED to Exercise

The Real, No B.S. Reasons

Why You NEED to Exercise


There are so many benefits to establishing a good exercise routine, and no one can reap those benefits more than a high school or college student. We can highlight studies about how exercise can improve memory, or how it stimulates the growth of new brain cells, but that’s kind of… boring. There are the real, no B.S. reasons you really, truly, sincerely, unequivocally need exercise in your life.


When you don’t feel good, you’re not going to bring your A-game.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel great when I eat garbage food, can’t button my favorite jeans, and get winded going up the library stairs. When you treat your body like junk, you’re naturally going to start feeling like junk. I’m not saying you need to get a six-pack and start each day with homemade green juice, but incorporating a bit of physical exercise into your routine will make you feel like a better, more productive human being. It just will!


why you need to exercise


You’ll feel like you have your *stuff* together.

I censored myself, but you know what I mean. There is something so satisfying about finishing a killer workout, and it makes you feel like you can take on the world. Start your school week with a workout that makes you feel strong, and you’ll snap out of weekend mode and into straight-A student mode so fast.


why you need to exercise


It’ll cheer you up when school or work sucks.

I work part-time at a local fitness studio. I’m not hating on any of my beloved members, but boy… some of them are much kinder people after their hour-long workout than they were beforehand. Seriously, when your professor makes you mad or your best friend is getting on your last nerve, go sweat it out. Not only will the endorphins make you feel better, but it’s also much more productive than screaming at someone.


why you need to exercise


It’ll give you way more energy than another trip to Starbucks.

You know those lazy days when you need a nap between Netflix binges? Laziness feeds laziness, and activity feeds activity. It seems counterintuitive, but exercising actually increases your energy! This makes it the perfect study break, because you’ll leave the gym ready to tackle that chapter you’ve been putting off.


why you need to exercise


The great thing about exercise is that it’s truly a choose-your-own-adventure kind of hobby. You don’t need to be an elite athlete. You don’t need to be a runner, a yogi, a weightlifter, a swimmer, or a hip-hop dancer. Just find something physical that you love to do, and make a point to do it often. Sweat is gold, and you’ll never regret a workout!