Why You Should Consider Working with a Private College Admissions Counselor

college admissions

College counseling encompasses the broad spectrum of support available to your child throughout the college application process. Finalizing college lists, constructing resumes, and crafting admissions essays are just a few of the relevant tasks involved in the counselor-student relationship. 

If your child is a junior or senior in high school, they may have already met their designated on-campus college counselor. Alongside teachers and parents, it can be helpful to consider that individual a member of your child’s team: all parties involved in facilitating a student’s smooth transition to higher education. For some teens, a private college counselor (i.e., an admissions advisor working outside your child’s school) can prove a valuable addition to that group.

Without a doubt, private college counseling can be a serious financial investment, yet parents are finding it increasingly beneficial to tap into these services for their high school-aged children. 

When considering whether to hire a private college counselor, begin by questioning whether the on-campus support available to your child feels sufficient to realize their academic/career potential. 

One Enrichery coach who graduated from a top-ranked Houston private school reflects on their experience: “When I was applying to colleges, I felt disappointed with my school’s counseling services considering how strongly they had marketed that feature to prospective families. If my school didn’t think you would get accepted at a ‘big name’ university, you just didn’t get the close-knit support those students had access to. You had to fight much harder to be taken seriously.”

Thankfully, negative experiences are not universal. Many students consider their high school’s college counseling services well-suited to their needs. This applies especially to teenagers with high organizational and verbal skills, who take the initiative to schedule regular meetings with their counselors throughout the year, and who require minimal hands-on assistance crafting well-structured, original college essays. 

Indeed, college admissions essays constitute one of the biggest pull factors for parents and students interested in private college counseling since on-campus advisors typically lack sufficient time to assist each and every applicant with their main and supplemental essays. 

Because student-to-counselor ratios at most high schools tend not to encourage prolonged one-on-one engagement between both parties, students reliant solely on their on-campus college counselors may see their essay drafts reviewed once or twice throughout the process, receiving vague or general feedback in return. On the other hand, students collaborating with private admissions counselors tend to benefit from numerous intensive drafting, editing, and review sessions, during which the counselor develops a close relationship with the student that is particularly conducive to producing unique and compelling essays. 

It is for this reason that private admissions counseling also attracts parents of high-achieving students: in an increasingly competitive admissions landscape, the opportunity to set your child’s college application apart from the crowd can prove the deciding factor in their acceptance.

In conclusion, determining whether or not a private college counselor would be a good fit for your child requires serious and honest reflection. Subsequently, once the decision has been made to pursue external admissions assistance, the vetting process should be equally meticulous. 

Still undecided? The Enrichery offers year-round college admissions advising for students seeking assistance drafting, writing, and editing college application essays, applying for scholarships, constructing resumes, and more. With flexible scheduling options and numerous experienced college advisors on hand, let’s work together to ensure your child meets their full academic potential. For more information, submit a request to contact us at https://theenrichery.com/contact-us-submission/!